A Boat, a Banshee, and a Breakdown Read online
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“What about Greg?” Eli asked as I turned to leave.
“What about him? He’s my friend. Leave him alone,” I replied. “I don’t pretend to have all the answers or enough power to rid the world of demons or evil humans. That’s the mistake I won’t make. I’m one person, I have friends and helpers but my job isn’t to topple a religion or Hell. All I can do is hold the gates back and help innocent people. Just like Greg used to.”
Eli grinned. “He left you. He’s coming back to us. We grow stronger and you will give more ground.”
“Us? Us as in demons or the church? You think the church likes you being possessed? I could go give an interview to the press and the humiliate the church on account of you,” I said.
“But you won’t. It’s not their fault,” he said. “We infiltrate everywhere.”
“I believe you. But the church handed you power and didn’t keep you in check. They need to work on their system.” I shrugged.
He shrugged mockingly. “Demons come and go. They’re smarter and stronger than an old bishop. You know it. You know they can tap into supernatural things just like you can. You’re sure you’re not a demon?”
I pulled the Holy Water from my coat pocket and sprayed him.
His shrieking reminded me of the banshee.
I sprayed myself. “I’m clean.”
A nurse ran in.
“What happened?” she asked.
“I just tested him with some Holy Water to be sure he’s not faking possession.” I repeated the spritzing and Eli shrieked again.
The nurse looked around. “Please stop. It’s upsetting the other patients and doesn’t help him.”
“Sure.” I put the bottle away. “I’m not trying to hurt him, only prove it’s real. I mean, it’s just water. Some patients can delude themselves into believing they have powers rather than the demon.”
The nurse left with a disbelieving headshake, probably wondering if I needed to be admitted, too.
Eli took a deep breath. “You have powers.”
“I do. That’s why I always check myself because unchecked power is the path to evil.”
“And your hubby?” Eli asked.
“He gets doused with a lot of Holy Water.” I held out my hand. “Curly.”
One of my angels appeared.
Eli began to squirm. “No, please,” he whispered.
“What’s wrong? You don’t like angels?” I teased.
“Greg won’t help you. No one will help you now. Without him, you’re nothing,” Eli growled.
“Because I’m not a priest? Not a man?” I reached out to Eli and pulled one demon out, flinging it at the angel.
“Go away!” Eli shouted.
I reached for another and the nurse entered. “Dr. Oscar, I’m sorry but you’re not on his list of consults. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
“Five minutes,” I said.
“No, you’re disturbing the floor. You have to go or I’ll call security,” she said.
Eli laughed at the nurse.
I moved in closer and Curly floated over Eli’s bed. “I bind the demons in you to remain, tormenting only you for eternity. They may not be unleashed or used to attack anyone. They may only use their powers on you.”
“No!” Eli shouted.
The angel enveloped Eli like a seal and then disappeared.
“I’ll go now.” I smiled at the nurse.
“Greg won’t live until midnight,” Eli sneered in a voice that wasn’t his.
“Who are you?”
“You don’t care about my name. You’ve doomed me to this creature. So my brother will see to it that your Greg is dead before twelve tonight,” the demon said.
“He’s not my Greg but thanks for the warning.” I left the room and felt my angels fall in line.
“Risky,” Amy said into my mind.
“Everything about this is risky. They’re going to make Greg look like a suicide.” I headed for my car.
Driving to the monastery, I called Paul.
“I need to authorize a psych hold on Greg,” I said.
“What?” Paul asked. “What happened with the MacLands?”
“Nothing, that was fine. I went to see Eli and that was more of a problem,” I confessed.
“De, that you should not have done alone,” he said firmly.
“I know, it was on the way. I just had to face him but he threatened Greg. Said he was cloistered away with the monks but he’d be dead soon. I assume that means he’s going to put demons on Greg. He’s going to make it look like a suicide.” I probably sounded like a crazy person.
“A psych hold is seventy-two hours max and I need cause,” he said.
“I know, make something up. He refused to come and help and sounded distraught and unstable on the phone. You know the guy and just want him checked out,” I said.
“If we can get him to a hospital, I can do that,” Paul replied.
“What if you get the psych hold and we get Matt to enforce it?” I suggested.
“Deanna,” Paul warned.
“What if he’s a danger to the monks? He left the church once, what if getting back inside is a demonic plot?” I said.
“He’s not the one who sounds crazy right now,” Paul said.
I sighed. “I know. I just want to know he’s safe. We can have the police do a well check on him at the monastery. Ivy managed to be stronger than whatever Eli threw at her but Greg has been back and forth with his faith and vows for decades. This is deeper than Ivy’s crisis of a boyfriend and is he the one to marry? Greg is having a breakdown of his identity. He’s been conflicted about the church and his purpose for years—heck since I’ve known him. I think Eli is behind it all, or his horde of demons. It’s like a fortress in him.”
“I’m going to talk to Matt about this. I’m going to reserve a room at the rehab for Greg so we have control if it comes to that. I’d rather keep him there. You get to the monks and try to get Greg to come out for dinner or something. See if he’s possessed or messed up in any way. That’s a good start for both of us.” Paul sounded so calm.
“I love you. Thank you,” I said.
“Eli sucks your energy. Don’t go near him again,” Paul said.
“No, no more. Not by choice but if I have to fight him...” I didn’t finish the sentence but Paul knew.
“I’m sending Gunner in a Lyft to the monastery to meet with you. He can drive you home or wherever. No more accidents, Eli or exhaustion. I love you. Keep me updated.”
“Bye.” I wasn’t about to argue with any of it.
Pounding on the door of a monastery was a new weirdness in my life. When a friar in full robes answered, I took a deep breath.
“I need to see Greg Delacroix,” I said.
“You are Dr. Oscar? We helped you recently. I am Brother Mark,” said the monk.
“Yes, thank you, Brother Mark. I don’t know why Greg didn’t come with you to help with the house. I’m worried about him. Eli made a threat that Greg is in danger.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. What can I do to help?” he asked.
“I need to see Greg,” I repeated.
Gunner walked up the sidewalk and joined me in the doorway. “Hi, everything okay?”
“I’m just trying to see Greg. Get a visual on our friend. Maybe take him out to dinner.”
“I’m sorry, that’s not possible,” Brother Mark said.
“Why not? He’s cloistered but he’s not locked up. We can visit,” Gunner said.
Brother Mark stepped out and closed the door behind him. “If Greg were here, that’s very true. Greg was in deep prayer and reflection about his vocation. After we returned from helping with the mansion, he was gone. Only a brief note that he was fine but needed some neutral ground on which to weigh his choices.”
“You didn’t tell me? Tell his cousin? You just kept it to yourself?” I moved in on the monk.
“Please calm down. We don’t hold people against their will nor do
we track adults who are free to do as they please.” Mark shrugged.
“Who talked to Greg last?” I asked.
“He didn’t talk. It was a silent brother who wrote out that Greg seemed calm and determined.”
Mentally, I reached out to my friend. I couldn’t pinpoint his location that second but I felt his mind. Greg was beside himself. “He’s having a breakdown.”
“De, we’ll find him,” Gunner said.
“Call Mary Lou, call Ivy, now,” I ordered Gunner.
He was already on the phone.
I called Matt.
“De, I’m working on a warrant but come on. The monks have to let you in,” Matt answered.
“Oh they did, sort of. I need an APB out on Greg now. He’s not at the monastery anymore. He left while the mansion was full of loose ghosts. Eli set Greg up, we were distracted and Greg got lured out somewhere. Eli is going to try to take Greg out or maybe have Greg break Eli out. I’m not sure yet but Greg is a mess and potentially a danger to himself. We need to find him.”
“Did he hop a plane? Because seriously...” Matt said.
I reached out again. “No, he’s in New Orleans. But he’s not himself at all. Whoever tries to grab him best have Holy Water on hand. Whatever this breakdown is, possession is part of it.”
A Personal Note from Ivy...
Dear Beloved Reader,
Can we just have a group hug? I feel terrible about Brody but worse about trusting and letting Eli mess with me.
Now he’s really messing with Greg! Our group is tough but the challenges are only getting tougher. Plus, we lost Brody and Mary Lou is very much doing her own thing. Darla is nice but she might go her own way with Frankie, just a gut feeling.
The cases are one thing but I really think Eli might have sold his soul to the devil. How do you fight that?
De and Paul are so cute but now I’m just worried. Matt and Gunner will help but Greg has to choose to fight and stay on the side of good. Pray we find him in time and get him back in his right mind.
Ivy Delacroix
PS: If you missed books the titles are listed below!
Book 1: A Mansion, A Drag Queen, And A New Job
Book 2: A Club, An Imposter, And A Competition
Book 3: A Bar, A Brother, And A Ghost Hunt
Book 4: A Voodoo Shop, A Zombie, And A Party
Book 5: A Cemetery, A Cannibal, and the Day of the Dead
Book 6: A Dungeon, A Vampire, and an Infatuation
Book 7: A Casino, A Cheater, and a Charity Ball
Book 8: A Plantation, A Tour Guide, and a Poltergeist
Book 9: A Warehouse, A Witch Doctor, and a Wedding
About the Author
A LOYAL CHICAGO GIRL who loves deep dish pizza, the Cubs, and The Lake, CC Dragon is fascinated by the metaphysical and paranormal. She loves creating characters, especially amateur sleuths who solve mysteries. A coffee and chocolate addict who loves fast cars, she’s still looking for a hero who likes to cook and clean...so she can write more!
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